Ko-Fi Page

Friday, November 21, 2008

Interview on CBR with Thieves Like Us preview

Check it out here!


Jamie S. Rich said...

Those pages look superb!

Chynna Clugston Flores said...

Aw thanks, man! ; )

Anonymous said...

Oh gosh I am just so excited for TLU, even MORESO after this! Been a longtime reader since The Kids are Alright :) love it love it love it.

Sheryl S. said...

What Jess said. :-) I am so excited to see more of your awesome "Blue Monday" soon!

Danny Barer said...

This looks great. I've really missed reading new BLUE MONDAY stories. Glad to see that your style continues to grow and evolve.

Monique Lopez said...

Eek! That interview and the preview pages were great! I can't wait for Dec 17!

turtlesoup said...

I'm so excited for this issue! I've loved BM since high school. Has it been pushed back again? Diamond doesn't show it shipping this week.